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Abe Fuchs

Archive of X Posts year of 2024

#KamalaHarrisWillUndergoATransformation Bad performance of Joe Biden’s 1st rematch debate focuses all eyes on a replacement. But there won’t be one before the election. But eventually yes – Kamala Harris! So she’ll undergo a transformation now, the way Michelle Obama did in 2008.

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#1stPresidentialRematchDebateBidenAndTrump Dem operatives panicking that Biden drop out. He won’t. But Kamala Harris found her voice in the CNN spin room. She defended Biden along with presenting herself as thoughtful and compassionate. She will become the face of the campaign.

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#1stPresidentialRematchBidenAndTrump Dem operatives panicking that Biden drop out. He will not. But Kamala Harris found her voice in the CNN spin room. She defended Biden along with presenting herself as thoughtful and compassionate. She will take on the face of the campaign.

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#ParentsMustScareTheirChildrenToAHealthyExtentToAvoidKidsBecomingVictims. Parents want children to have idyllic childhoods but kids have to learn the inherent danger that lurks in reality. 12 yr old was lured, assaulted and murdered by psycho perverts.

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#ObviousFlawWithAlvinBraggsCaseAgainstTrump He needed a secondary crime to elevate the 1st crime of falsifying records. So the jury was offered 3 secondary crimes and they voted on ANY 1 of the 3 with split votes!😳So when were each of the 3 adjudicated as a crime with 12 jurors?…

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#ObviousFlawWithAlvinBraggsCaseAgainstTrump He needed a secondary crime to revive the 1st crime of falsifying records. So the jury was offered 3 secondary crimes and they voted on ANY 1 of the 3 with split votes!😳So when were each of the 3 adjudicated as a crime with 12 jurors?…

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#ObviousFlawWithAlvinBraggsCaseAgainstTrump He needed a secondary crime to revive the 1st crime of falsifying records. So the jury was offered 3 secondary crimes and they voted on ANY 1 of the 3 with split votes!😳So when were each of the 3 adjudicated as a crime with 12 jurors?…

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#KennethPeakeIsANoShowAtARepublicanClubDebate with Kenny Chiu Kenny Chiu Republican Candidate in the primary for Queens A.D. 25 via @YouTube

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#NewYorkCityStudentsWillNotHaveTheirCellPhoneInTheClassroom - Only a big dummy like Bill De Blasio would lift a ban on cell phones in the classroom. What emergencies do you need the cell phone for? A real emergency would go to the school office.

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#IsraelIsResponsibleForGazaBecauseIt’sTheOccupyingPower. Wrong. Hamas is the occupying power. Gaza and Hamas are taking their cues from Western media. It’s time that the media held Hamas responsible for all the suffering #TikTok

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#IsraelIsResponsibleForGazaBecauseIt’sTheOccupyingPower. Wrong. Hamas is the occupying power. Gaza and Hamas are taking their cues from Western media. It’s time that the media held Hamas Responsible for all the suffering #TikTok

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@ByronDonalds Joy Reed mangled your point.

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#ByronDonaldsIdealizesJimCrowEraForBlacks He didn’t! Joy Reed can’t narrow an element of an era, unity of the black family, from the overall political health of an era. Donald’s Point was that during Jim Crow the black family was more unified via @YouTube

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#ByronDonaldsIdealizesJimCrowEraForBlacks He didn’t! Joy Reed can’t narrow an element of an era, namely, the black family, from the overall political health of the era. Donald’s Point was that even during Jim Crow the black family was strong. via @YouTube

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#SharkAttacks  We’ve all heard how remote it is getting attacked by sharks. We buy lotto for the remote chance of winning. Why not avoid sharks for the remote chance of losing? Is the water that much fun? Teen in Florida shark attack loses hand and leg:

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TAKE ACTION NOW: Urge your members of Congress to call for the shutdown of a government monkey fright laboratory and retire the surviving animals to sanctuaries. via @peta

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#SamuelAlitoShouldRecuseHimselfFromAnyJan6Issue He or his wife had the temerity of flying an upside down U.S. flag after the events of Jan 6. All decent people agree that the storming of the capital was criminal and abhorrent. So why couldn’t the upside down flag register that?

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#Trump’sSecondaryCrimeWasTaxFraud Hush money to Stormy Daniels cannot be written off as legal or business expense! Really? If ski trips and 3 martini lunches can be tax write offs because they promote business, an NDA or hush money can be a tax write off to preserve business.

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#ProsecutionOfDonaldTrumpInNewYork - Wikipedia Underlying secondary crimes 1) Violation of Campaign finance limits - with his own money? 2) Illegally influence an election - which statute? 3) Tax fraud - Did they audit his return? Total bull****!

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#ThePlightOfThePalestinians Since the Palestinians rejected every Oslo accord agreement presented them, there is only one conclusion as to what they want - WAR. Their “plight” is that they can’t eject the democratic state of Israel. They prefer WAR over PARADISE. It’s a total CON

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#DyingInsideARestaurantFreezer  You can’t rely on mechanisms to open the door from inside. Bring a cell phone with you & put a barrier like a box next to the door from closing. Restaurant Worker Dies After Being Trapped Inside Freezer: Lawsuit via @YouTube

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#TrumpIsARacistSexistAntiSemite…The meme is Trump Is with the Far Right. Ironically, both the Far Right and the Left want to establish Trump as a racist, bigot etc. The Far Right wants him as one of their own and the Left wants to condemn him as such. They’re both wrong. Trump…

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#TrumpIsARacistSexistAntiSemite…The meme is Trump Is with the Far Right. Ironically, both the Far Right and the Left want to establish Trump as a racist, bigot, misogynist etc. The Far Right wants him as one of their own and the Left wants to condemn him as such. They’re both…

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#MichelleNorrisIsAnotherSillyRacialist  Claims to know how white people feel about race - how exhausted they are about it -that they don’t have the stomach to truly look at the evil of slavery! Maybe, but 700k had the stomach to die over it - half of those to abolish it!!! I…

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#MichelleNorrisIsAnotherSillyRacialist  Claims to know how white people feel about race - how exhausted they are about it -that they don’t have the stomach to truly look at the evil of slavery! Maybe, but 700k had the stomach to die over it - half of those to abolish it!!! I…

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#IsJoeBidenTooOldForAnother4Years Dr Dan Blazer says the real test is how they do their job. With that metric wasn’t Joe’s handling of Afghanistan, a disqualifier? Our brains and memories as we age | PBS NewsHour | THIRTEEN - New York Public Media

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#CryptocurrencyIsAHedgeAgainstInflation So says Michael Zuccarelli of Terra hosting. With the volatility and astronomical spikes up and down that we’ve seen from crypto isn’t it laughable that anyone would “invest“ or rely on crypto for stability? It’s stability for criminals!😄

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#1967RiotCommission Was clueless as to why the blacks were rioting. Why couldn’t Dr. King convey that? And why was rioting tolerated when blacks had already achieved the voting rights act? Watch The Riot Report | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

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#ITheRealMichaelCohen I saw him in NY & though I knew that he is a liar, tax cheat & has no integrity, I felt sorry for him because he looked so sad. I hope that somewhere along the line he learns what life is really about which is being a good person and learns how to be happy.

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#JudgeMerchanWon’tAllowExpertWitnessOnElectionLaw? He won’t allow anyone but the judge (himself) to instruct the jury on the law. Ok But a GP judge needs to be educated about intricate law on any subject. Should allow private conference with FEC Chair to learn about Election Law.

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#HarrisonButkerSpeechToWomen Butker conflated the idea of a 2 parent family as a stabilizing force with that the mother should fulfill a higher role in life being a “homemaker“. That cringy term aside, you can still have a 2 parent household with a working mother as one of them.

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#EndGazanSufferingNow! We don’t expect Gazans to rebel against Hamas on their own with no one there to protect them. But Gaza - now is your chance with the IDF there to help you throw off your brutal and barbaric Hamas leadership – rebel against Hamas! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!!

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#IsraelPreventsForeignJournalistInGaza Complaint is, foreign journalists aren’t allowed access & the complaint is also that too many Gazan journalists have been killed in the Gazan war. You can’t have both complaints. No other war had fighters hide behind civilians like this one.

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#PBSIsAPropagandaArmForHamas PBS NewsHour and Christian Amanpour offer a steady diet of heart wrenching scenes of dead civilian children or with awful injuries all to support their constant stream of Israel critics claiming genocide or war crimes. Did they do this in other wars?

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#AyanaPresley  @marklevinshow  Making fun of someone’s appearance as you did today referring to Ayanna Presley, as “the bald woman” is disgraceful. You can criticize her silence of Hamas’s rape of women or of her racism but making fun of her alopecia should be off the table.

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#WhyDoesMichaelCohenHateTrump  Pundits are saying that Cohen turned against Trump when Cohen wasn’t given any prominent job in Trump’s cabinet but the more basic reason is that the feds gave him a plea deal where he has to give them the dirt on Trump!

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#PBSIsObsessionWithRace From a rational discussion of the economics of suburban eco structure turns into a discussion of suburban culture vs hip-hop urban culture. “Disillusioned” Author: American Suburbs Have Become a Ponzi Scheme | Am... via @YouTube

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#SarahHelmDescribesIsraeliWarInGazaAsASlaughter How does PBS profess to be an objective source of information with such leftist propaganda? Civilian casualty rate is lower in Gaza than other recent wars. Where is the documented proof of a slaughter? 😡

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#TrumpsFalsifyingRecordsTrial  Unnderlying crime? How can the jury sit through testimony not knowing what the crime is? Is it not disclosing hush payment as a campaign finance expense? Is Judge Merchan retrying a case that the FEC did not pursue?

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#TomCottoncallsProHamasEncampmentsOnCollegeCampuses”LittleGazas” to which Jonathan Carl objects, pointing out that Gaza is not synonymous with Hamas. Doesn’t Hamas Control Gaza? Didn’t we fight against the “Germans”? "This Week" on ABC News via @YouTube

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#StormyDanielsSalaciousTestimonyIsReversibleError If a dual motive purpose, i.e. for the election and personal should be expensed to a campaign then it would matter that her testimony is more damaging to the campaign. But a dual motive purpose can’t be expensed to the campaign.😙

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#RacistToTreatPowderCocaineAndCrackWithDifferentPunishments They have same chemical composition. But not everything is determined by chemical makeup. Crack cocaine was used in a different way and produced more dangerous results. I myself was attacked by someone on crack cocaine.

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#KristiNoemIsSkeweredOverShootingHerDogAndGoat ⁦@KristiNoem⁩ The media says you don’t need to kill a dangerous dog. So why is putting down a biting dog OK? Did she eat the meat of the goat? Is hunting OK? Cultural divide. Bad PR. Blame her publisher.

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#IsraelHamasWarCivilianCasualtyRate Versus US wars civilian casualty rate.

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#KamalaHarrisSaysTrumpWantsAFederalAbortionBan “We all know if Donald Trump gets the chance, he will sign a national abortion ban,” Harris said. And what’s wrong with that? Isn’t that what Roe v. Wade instituted - a prohibition for abortion in the last trimester.?

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#ThomasFriedmanBlamesTrumpForCancelingTheIranDeal  So if the Iran deal was such a good thing why didn’t the Biden administration pursue reviving it? Amanpour and Company | “Netanyahu Has a Lot to Answer For:” says Thomas Friedman | Season 2024 | PBS

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#PBSCaricaturesDonaldTrumpAs PuppetToPutin,Un&Xi - not understanding how he punches them at the same time with hardline trade with China, javelins to Ukraine and bully talk to Un. January 23, 2023 | Video | Amanpour & Company | PBS

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@woodlandparkzoo #BearPreysOnDucklingsInSeattle’sWoodlandsParkZoo - to the horror of children!😳. The Zoo curators explain that they can’t control birds ending up in their blue pond where the ducks landed. But what about erecting a fence around the pond?

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#BearPreysOnDuckAndDucklingsInSeattle’sWoodlandsParkZoo - to the horror of young children😳. The Zoo curators explain that they can’t control birds ending up in their blue pond where the ducks landed. But what about erecting a fence around the pond?.

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#BearPreysOnDuckAndDucklingsInSeattle’sWoodlandsParkZoo - to the horror of young children😳. Zoo management explains that they can’t control birds ending up in their blue pond where the ducks landed. But what about erecting a fence around the pond?.

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#3rdAmericanDetainedInTurksAndCaicos 65% of their economy is based on tourism and most of that is from the US. As long as that a**hole gov’t doles out 12 year sentences for accidental transporting of ammunition in a suitcase, all Americans should boycott going there!!!

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