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Abe Fuchs

Arbery “Murder”

Izzo Zwaren’s article in the Queens Jewish Link “What the Jewish Community Can Learn from the Ahmaud Arbery Case” was perplexing. The author is aware of the fake victimhood culture that the Left tries to present as legitimate. He disputes Lebron James saying that Blacks are hunted down and killed and he likewise does not dignify Barak Obama’s famous quote that Trayvon Matin could have been his son. Zwarren must be aware that the Left without legitimate cases of white “murders” of black people always try to twist illegitimate ones to fit their narrative. Zwarren must be

aware that the Trayvon Martin case was initially not brought to a Grand Jury because the prosecutors did not think there was a case of murder but rather that of self defense. Michael Brown who fought a police officer for his gun was not shot down while running away from the cop with “hands up” but rather was bum rushing the officer again in a second attempt to grab his gun and shoot the officer. What about the 12 year old black boy Tamea Rice, who pointed a toy, but real looking gun, at police and was shot dead by the police? All of these

cases and many more without legitimacy are the face of the current cries from the Left of oppression and murder by the police. Facts don’t matter to the Left and even when an African American Attorney General, Eric Holder, for the

Obama administration clears the cop who shot Michael Brown from wrong doing, the Left continues showcasing the case as if he never said the contrary!

Now we have the Arbery case. Ahmaud Arbery was no choir boy. He had a rap sheet. He plead guilty to stealing a TV and he violated his probation when he was found to carry an illegal firearm to a sporting event. Recently, perhaps after Zwarren’s article was written, a dash cam video surfaced showing him aggressively approach an officer after he was asked for ID when lingering in a park with drug activity. The McMichaels or Travis McMichael, the one with the shotgun that killed Arbery, clearly was bumrushed and struck by Arbery, then wrestled Travis over his gun. The gun went off and it’s not even clear that it was intentional even though even if it was, Travis clearly had a right to shoot Arbery in that instance, the same way the officer had a right to shoot Michael Brown when he went for the officer’s gun. I don’t know which video Zwarren was watching but Arbery is running in the direction where the McMichaels were

and then from a direction of left of the truck swings around the front of the truck - clearly getting around the so called blocking of the truck - only to ambush Travis, the one holding the gun but not pointing it at Arbery, and fights him

for that gun. The McMichaels had a right to initially make a citizens arrest, thinking that Arbery was looking to rob the house under construction. If they were wrong to make such a citizens arrest then they could have been punished by the law. There is no evidence whatsoever that they used violent means or threats of violent means in the commission of the citizens arrest. There is a legal “open carry” in the state of Georgia where this even happened. They are allowed to have the gun ready in case the suspected perp gets violent as he is shown to have done. There was no cover-up from the authorities. One DA recused herself in that she worked with the father Gregory McMicael and the 2nd DA made the determination after seeing the video that Travis had a right to shoot Arbery in self defense when Arbery fought him for his legal firearm. The DA said that the victim, Arbery, got killed in a fight over the gun that he initiated. This is very much a mirror of the other cases that I mentioned, and though I agree with Zwarren’s other articles for the most part, I think he may regret writing this article once the facts become more clear. There is nothing for the Jewish community to learn from this event. I don’t recall the last time that we fought someone over their legal gun with no authority to do so.

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